Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Chapter 4 Study Guide

Puritans -people who wanted to purify the Church of England
John Winthrop - first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony
General Court - representative assembly in Massachusetts Bay Colony
Thomas Hooker - established Connecticut
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut - a 1639 plan of government in the Puritan colony ofConnecticut, expanded the idea of representative government in the English colonies
Roger Williams - established the colony of Rhode Island
Anne Hutchinson -banished from Massachusetts Bay Colony for holding Bible meetings
religious tolerance - willingness to let others practice their own beliefs
common - an open field in aNew England town where cattle grazed
town meeting - a gathering where townspeople met to discuss the issues of the town
patroon -owner of a huge estate in a Dutch colony
proprietary colony- English colony I which the king gave land to proprietors in exchange for a yearly payment.
royal colony - colony under the direct control of the English crown

Quakers - Protestant reformers who believe in the equality of all people

Pennsylvania Dutch - German-speaking Protestants

cash crop - crop sold for money at market

backcountry - area along theAppalachian Mountains

Mason-Dixon Line - boundary betweenPennsylvania andMaryland that divided the Middle Colonies from the Southern colonies

Act of Toleration - a 1649 law passed by theMaryland assembly that provided religious freedom for all Christians

Bacon’s Rebellion - a 1676 raid led by Nathaniel Bacon against the governor and Native Americans inVirginia

indigo - plant used to make a valuable blue dye

debtor- person who cannot pay money he or she owes

slave codes - laws passed by colonists that restricted the basic rights of slaves

racism - belief that one race is superior to another

mercantilism - theory that a nation’s economic strength came from protecting and increasing its home economy by keeping strict control over its colonial trade

export- trade product sent to markets outside a country

import - trade product brought into a country

Navigation Acts -series of laws passed by the English Parliament in the 1650s that regulated trade betweenEngland and its colonies

Yankee - nickname forNew England merchants who dominated colonial trade

Triangular trade - colonial trade between New England, the West Indies, andAfrica

legislature – a group of people who have the power to make laws

Glorious Revolution- in 1688, movement that brought William and Mary to the throne ofEngland and strengthened the rights of English citizens.

bill of rights – written list of freedoms that a government promises to protect

English Bill of Rights – a 1689 document that guaranteed

gentry - highest social class in the 13 colonies

middle class – in the 13 English colonies, a class that included skilled crafts workers , farmers, and some trades people

indentured servant – person who came to work without wages for period of time in exchange for passage to the colonies

Gullah - a combination of English and West African languages spoken by African Americans in the South Carolina colony

Great Awakening – a religious movement that swept through the colonies in the 1730s and 1740s that led colonists to question British authority

public school – school supported by taxes

tutor - private teacher

apprentice - person who learns a trade or craft from a master

dame school - private school run by a woman, usually in her own home

Enlightenment - movement inEurope during the 1600s and 1700s that emphasized the use of reason

libel - act of publishing a statement that may unjustly accused

James Oglethorpe – established the colony ofGeorgia

Lord Baltimore – Sir George Calvert, a Roman Catholic who received a land grant from King Charles I to start the colony ofMaryland.

John Wheelwright- founder ofNew Hampshire

The Great Migration- the period during the 1630s and 1640s when over 20,000 people went to the Massachusetts Bay Colony

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